Mary-Anne Reyes Photography

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Welcome to my blog! My name is Mary-Anne Reyes and I am a Wedding Photographer raised in New Orleans and based in the beautiful Bay Area, California. Please feel free to look through my blog to get sneak peaks from your event, or even just to get to know me a little better. I also shoot Senior and Family Portraits. I like to travel so I do destinational weddings, also! So save this blog and check back for updates and occasional specials that may be available!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Felix Family

Hey guys! I know I've been lagging on my posts. I've had a lot of shoots lately so a lot of editing going on. Here's the first of many to come within the next couple of days...

I had the pleasure of shooting the Felix Family Portraits at CSU Stanislaus! The campus is BEAUTIFUL! It wasn't hard at all to find different spots to shoot at. We had a great time exploring the campus and finding some of our web-footed friends to take portraits with. LOL. Check out our day at CSU Stanislaus! :D

They had baby ducks and geese all over the place!... Definitely Spring Time! :D

Mr. Felix had a great idea of trying to mimic an album cover from The Beatles...

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